How to unlock Jazz digit 4g mobile on all sim

How Can you unlock all sim Jazz Digit 4G phone?

The answer is yes, you can unlock it. But the question is, is it illegals' to unlock it?(The answer is yes)

How to unlock all sim on jazz digit 4G mobile by use Computer and laptop.

If you think Jazz mobile ded during unlock process don't do it.

You need a PC or laptop and a USB cable. Power on your pc. Open your browser then go to this link on your computer and download this driver. Then open the browser and go to this link to download the jazz digit 4G mobile unlock file without this file mobiles are not able to unlock.

In this blog we tell you how can you unlock jazz digit 4g Mobile step by step. Frist thing you do is on your pc and download unlock file link.

When diver download  is ready then again download the unlock file  also provide link up. When all process is finish then power off your mobile and Separate the batter. Now plug in USB cabled in the charge pin. Now press *+# and power on button. As you do so, you will see three new options.

  • Normal mode 
  • Fastboot mode
  • Recover mode

Now press * for move and press # to select fastboot.
When you do this, your mobile will be connected to your computer. Now its time to unlock your mobile phone jazz digit 4g mobile but before do this process you must need android driver which is also called "ADB Interface fastboot driver". I provide link of this drivers up. You can easily download. Now this time to install driver on your pc. So that open download location of your computer/laptop. Run driver and follow these step.

As you can open exe file you see this option

  • Do you want to install ADB and Fastboot? (Y/N)

adb fastboot drivers

Type  "Y"

  • Install ADB system-wide? (Y/N)

Type "y"
Wait......Installing ADB and Fastboot ... (system-wide)

All 4 files copied.

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

  • Do you want to install device drivers? (Y/N)
Type "Y"

Installing 32-bit driver ...
Please continue driver installation ...

  • Then click on next 
  • install
  • finish

Step 2

Now this time to unlock jazz digit4G mobile. First open your file which you downloaded from my link and run this file you need to register this file. Registration is very easy. Copy hardware ID and open keygen file. After the open keygen paste down the hardware ID and configure the username. A Then click on the Generate button. Now copy the new key that came from generating. Then go to unlock file and past here username and new keys.

Now this is final step. A new window open quickly then wait 10 sec. When he tells you to press this button, you have to press #.

After a minute Your jazz digit 4G mobile is ready to ON sim include jazz telenor zong and ufone.

I hope you enjoy this blog. 

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