How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account


facebook disabled account open trick

You will need to download a browser ant browser will have. Now that open it and go to using iPhone then you can use for your Chrome browser ok. 

Intensively login your account here guys please note the email address it is rubber one of their you will need to remember and then after taking the password. I will login my Facebook account and I see that this account has been disabled and reason showing error is that your account activity on it didn't follow our community standards.

facebook account disabled for security reasons

 No I want to clear some points there you can only get your account back if your account was disabled by mistake means, you're really didn't violate any community standards of Facebook like you're using a Facebook actual and then mean by your blog from posting and commenting and after sometime you got your account disabled or your account was to be in the Security Check. But you didn't complete that and then after some days you record was disabled. If this is the case then definitely you are going to get your account back. But if your account is disabled due to violation of Facebook community standards that there is less chance of getting any response from the Facebook team.

 I hope you understood now and the account that I am going to recovery this article is disabled by mistake so there is chance of getting response from the Facebook team can always get back your Facebook disabled account. 

my personal facebook account was disabled

Here Gay's That can see that I am not getting any appeal form to submit now. If I Tab on go to community standards then the community standards page will be opened but there is no appeal form to submit my appeal know. If I go back and logout the count now we need appeal form to submit so I will Tab on forgotten password dancer share your disabled account by the email address then tap on FAQ page here no scroll down and type of letters now. You can also see an option of contact us here from Facebook team. So guys know you we have got our appeal form to submit but when I will try to submit the documents share then you can see that I am getting error message sorry something went wrong so. 

Such it then you will be deducted to this form reporter please send money scam uses for meeting account was disabled due to tension mitosis can now account is not disabled for this reason. But as all the other appeal forms are not working for this type of account so will use this form to reach Facebook. Soon fill out this form. 

Here type the full name as it is mentioned in your disabled facebook profile account and then here to your date of birth which is mentioned in your disabled account then here type the email address associated with your account and then simply type on the send button. 

Guys how you can see here that our form is successfully submitted to the Facebook team now close this tab and go to the email address associated with your disabled account you can see here guys it is the same email address rubber Manti that the real now we need to send an email to Facebook team suitable this composed button and send an email to appeal at the rate spot and guys don't give the video.

 I know you will be familiar with this email trash but the main thing air is the appeal which we will submit to the Facebook team many people don't know how to write the Peer properly so I have done it for you so please don't skip the article  and then the selection type my personal account was disabled and now we need to paste available here so go to the description of this video and there you are going to get this appeal simply copied from there only thing you need to replace is the name of your documents here and at the end you need to write that name which is mentioned in your disabled account and then attach your documents you can attach your government issued at Govt.ID card or driving license are passport here but keep in mind one thing that the name and date of birth mentioned in your documents should match with your disabled account. If these details don't match with your account and you are not going to get your account back so I'm going to submit my documents now wait for some time so that our document get uploaded properly and then simply tap on the send button at the top right corner of the screen. 

Now we need to send another email so again tables is composed button and send an email to case at the dates for dot I am first awaiting the video here because we are doing the same process again in the stacks Action type my personal account was disabled then place the same up in here attached documents we also need to send an email to help at the dates powder so we will send this to email simultaneously like.

 I am doing here and then simply Tab on the send button at the top right corner of the screen now we need to send the last email so if you have any mail received from the Facebook MP4 just go to that male and then Tab on this reply button and remove all the text it doesn't matter whether you received an unlock Meela the chatting documents may you just need to go to the realization of that mail because sometimes we receive and unlock made from the Facebook team. But still our country main disabled like this person received and unlock male fade before but still his account was disabled so you just need to go to any mail see from the Facebook team related to your disabled account and then again paste the same feel and attached documents share.

Tab on the send button and now the process is completed successfully now we need to wait for an email from the Facebook team let me show you the time here so that you can know the date and time here and send to Facebook team. After 1 to 2 days Facebook enabled your account as soon as possible.

#buttons=(Accept !) #days=(20)

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